Lawn Care

Natural Lawn Care Calendar

Term definitions

Aeration The main reason for aerating is to alleviate soil compaction. Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. Helps roots grow deeply to produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn

Dethatching Lawn thatch is un-decomposed stems and roots that accumulate near the soil surface due to improper watering, over fertilization or poor soil quality. Thick thatch layers prevent water, air, and nutrients from penetrating the soil, causing reduced root growth and increased potential for drought stress. Dethatching is the process of removing this excess from your lawn to get it on the path to full health

Compost Topdressing

Adding compost to increase the soil’s organic matter feeds your lawn naturally. The best and most organic way to feed your lawn each year is with a
compost topdressing application in the spring and fall 

Overseeding Distributing additional grass seed over your lawn, especially a thin lawn, can help restore its appearance and texture. This allows for less area where weeds can germinate and grow

Organic Lawn Care

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Organic Lawn Care services

Gardenalia’s Organic Lawn Care services assists in establishing and caring for a garden lawn using organic horticulture, without the use of chemical inputs such as pesticides or artificial fertilisers. It is a component of organic land care and organic sustainable landscaping which adapt the principles and methods of sustainable gardening and organic farming to the care of lawns.


Spring (March/April)

Fall September/November

December to February:

Don't park or walk excessively on the lawn.


Rake up leaves and debris

Begin regular mowing with blade low


Apply corn gluten when forsythia bloom

Pull weeds by hand or spot-spray as needed

Apply compost tea


Apply calcium-rich fertilizer and other amendments per soil test results

Dethatch and aerate as needed

Consider first overseeding or wait until late August

Apply beneficial nematodes for grubs control


Stay vigilant with weeds

Begin irrigation as needed

Monitor billbug, chinch bug, sod webworm, and other insect pests

Raise mower blade

Apply compost tea


Monitor Irrigation

Monitor insects

Late August:

Evaluate and pull or dig up summer weeds

Monitor irrigation

Apply compost tea

Dethatch and aerate as needed

Overseed with appropriate grass seed

Top-dress with compost

Apply calcium rich fertilizer


Limit Watering

Lower mower blade

Apply beneficial nematodes as needed


Begin Fall Clean=up


Mow lawn without scalping lawn

Remove all leaves and debris, add to compost, or mulch leaves into lawn

Apply compost tea